
Embarking on my journey in video production during the early 1990s at MTV, what began as a fortuitous opportunity swiftly transformed into a long-standing career. Over the past two decades, my professional voyage has spanned virtually every creative role within the media industry. From writer to producer, art director to director, videographer to editor—I've navigated diverse roles with unwavering passion and commitment.

MTV laid the foundation, sparking a trajectory that saw me contributing my skills to some of the most influential Fortune 500 companies. ESPN, Nike, and Alibaba became pivotal chapters, each adding layers of experience and expertise to my professional tapestry. During this time, I've had the privilege of crafting compelling video content for a myriad of emerging brands and successful entrepreneurs.

A defining moment in my career occurred a few years ago when I conceived and produced a feature-length video memoir, chronicling the remarkable life of my father. This poignant creation graced movie theaters, educational institutions, and took center stage at a private event celebrating my father's 85th birthday. Witnessing him share this cinematic journey with family and friends was not only professionally fulfilling but deeply personal.

Inspired by the profound impact of this endeavor, I made a conscious shift in my career trajectory. My mission became clear: extend the transformative power of video memoirs to others eager to share the narratives that define their lives. Today, I am dedicated to leveraging my extensive experience and creative prowess to provide individuals, brands, and entrepreneurs with the opportunity to preserve and share their unique stories through the art of video production. Each life is a narrative waiting to be told, and I am committed to ensuring that these stories are not just captured but celebrated.


Why Choose Us?

Our seasoned team combines technical proficiency with compassionate guidance,
guaranteeing a seamless and respectful experience.

Legacy Preservation
We recognize the significance of preserving your unique legacy, crafting a memoir that serves as a timeless gift for your loved ones.

Tailored Solutions
Each story is as unique as the person it belongs to. Our approach is tailored to suit your preferences, creating a memoir that resonates with your individuality.