Our Packages


Royalty Free Music
Personal Photos
Text Highlights

Tribute $ 4,000

This type of video is a good choice for a memorial service or other event requiring a quick turnaround, as it requires minimal family involvement and takes less time to edit than our other options. It is a combination of text and photos so the format is simple but it does tell a cohesive story. A video tribute slideshow can play as guests enter the location of a memorial service, whether in person or online. When played as a loop, it paints a very moving portrait of your loved ones life that can be captured by everyone in just a few minutes time.


Project Brief
No Interviews
# Photos: 80 Max
Target video length ≤ 3 minutes


Single Interview, Royalty Free Music,
Personal Photos, Home Movies,
Titles & IDs

Heirloom $ 8,000

An Hierloom video is a great choice for a single person who wants to share the story of their life. There will be ample opportunity to reference other people and include them in the memoir via photos and other digital assets but the person being interviewed will be in the driver’s seat and everyone else will just come along for the ride.


Project Brief
Single Interview
# Photos 120 Max
≤ 2 hours of home movie clips
Target video length 5-8 minutes



Multiple Interviews, Royalty Free Music,
Personal Photos, Home Movies,
Titles & IDs

Legacy $ 15,000

A legacy memoir is a great option for those who would like to tell someone’s story from more than one angle. This type of video presents an opportunity for multiple people to join together to lend their voice to a multi-dimensional moving picture.


Project Brief
3+ Interviews *
# Photos 200 Max
≤ 3 hours of home movie clips
Target video length 20-25 minutes

* Add on fee for additional interviews